The Baking Notification Project

Subscribe to baking notifications from Lindsay Brandt, Linden Bakeshop

The Baking Notification Project connects hobby bakers with their neighbors to share extra baked goods. Your subscription supports a hobby baker in your neighborhood.

Picture of Lindsay Brandt, Linden Bakeshop

Lindsay Brandt, Linden Bakeshop

Lockeland Springs

Nashville, Tennessee

Cookies Bars Brownies


What subscribers get

Subscribers receive automated text message notifications about baked goods available for pickup. There is no additional cost for treats claimed by subscribers.

How it works

Bakers commit to sending out at least two baking notifications per month, though that number may vary on average from month to month. A baking notification round includes a limited number of offers for a specified baked good. When you claim an offer, you’ll get details about how to pick up your treat. Once all offers are claimed, the baking notification round will automatically close.

When you’ll get notifications

There’s no set schedule. Subscribers receive baking notifications whenever their baker has extra baked goods to give away.

Subscribe to baking notifications from Lindsay Brandt, Linden Bakeshop

Bakers who use the Baking Notification Project to share baked goods with their neighbors are independent and do not work for the Baking Notification Project, a service developed by and for home bakers. By subscribing, you are connecting with and supporting a baker in your neighborhood. For bakers offering paid subscription plans, the cost of your monthly subscription goes directly to your baker.